Disconnection, the game of interruption or network-related
Failed to retrieve leaderboard information because your network connection has been lost. Please check that you are connected to a network and try again later.
Network connection may be malfunctioning, or Xbox Live may be down. Please restart the game after checking two things below:
- Check if the console is connected to the Internet
- Check Xbox Live Status
The game session has been aborted because you have lost connection with the other players.
Network connection on the console may be malfunctioning.Please check the network connection status.
There was a problem connecting to the game. Please retry in a few moments.
Network connection on the console may be malfunctioning.Please check the network connection status.
A network error has occurred. Check network status and wait a few minutes before trying again.
Network connection on the console may be malfunctioning.Please check the network connection status.
Due to your network settings, you may experience issues during online Multiplayer sessions.
Your internet speed may not be fast enough.Please check the network configuration.
Because the network bandwidth is limited, voice chat may become unavailable.
Your internet speed may not be fast enough.Please check the network configuration.
The connection timed out. Leaving the session.Check network status and wait a few minutes before trying again.
Network connection on the console may be malfunctioning.Please check the network connection status.
Leaving session because there are one or more players who cannot connect.Check network status and wait a few minutes before trying again.
Network connection on the console may be malfunctioning. Please check the network connection status.
You have left the session because continuous communication with other players cannot be maintained. Please check your network status and try again later. Your game scores from this session will not be saved.
Network connection on the console may be malfunctioning. Please check the network connection status.
You have left the session because communication with other players cannot be maintained for a long time. Please check your network status and try again later. Your game scores from this session will not be saved.
When this message shows up repeatedly, there is a possibility of network malfunction on the console.
Please check the network connection status and try again later.
Please check the network connection status and try again later.
You were dropped from the session because of poor network condition. Please check your network status and try again later. Scores you have earned in this session will be lost.
Network connection on the console may be malfunctioning. Please check the network connection status.
This session was canceled because you have lost connection with the other players. Scores you have earned in this session will be lost. Happy Tickets used during this session will be recovered.
When this message shows up repeatedly, there is a possibility of network malfunction on the console.
Please check the network connection status and try again later.
Please check the network connection status and try again later.
You have been disconnected from the game due to continuous difficulty of connection with other players.Please check network status and try again. Your score earned in this match will be lost.
When this message shows up repeatedly, there is a possibility of network malfunction on the console.
Please check the network connection status and try again later.
Please check the network connection status and try again later.
You have been disconnected from the game. Please check network status and try again.Your score earned in this match will be lost.
When this message shows up repeatedly, there is a possibility of network malfunction on the console.
Please check the network connection status and try again later.
Please check the network connection status and try again later.
The scheduled access to Happy Wars network save service failed. Returning to the Title Screen. Scores earned this session will be lost. Any Happy Tickets used will be refunded. Check your network status and try again later.
Network connection on the console may be malfunctioning. Please check the network connection status.
The scheduled access to Happy Wars network save service failed. Returning to the Title Screen. Scores earned in this session will be lost. Check your network status and try again later.
Network connection on the console may be malfunctioning. Please check the network connection status.
Unable to download updates for Happy Wars at this time.The Happy Wars service may be partly unavailable.Please try again later by restarting the game from the Title Screen.
Network connection on the console may be malfunctioning. Please check the network connection status and try again later.
Unable to resume the game session because the sign-in information of your profile has been changed. Please sign in to a profile.
Please sign in your profile and restart the game.
Please sign in using a gamer profile with an Xbox Live Gold Membership and no multiplayer restrictions.
This message is displayed when a player who does not have an Xbox Live Gold Membership joins the game.
When you play a multiplayer mode, all players must hold a Gold Membership or must be guests of a player who is a Gold member.
When you play a multiplayer mode, all players must hold a Gold Membership or must be guests of a player who is a Gold member.
You are not allowed to play this game mode because your multiplayer privilege is set to “block”.
This message is displayed when there may be a player whose multiplayer privilege is set to “block” in the game.
When you play a multiplayer mode, all players including players with split-screen play must have their multiplayer privilege settings to “Allow”.Go to “Privacy & Online Settings” under “Settings” and please check your setting.
When you play a multiplayer mode, all players including players with split-screen play must have their multiplayer privilege settings to “Allow”.Go to “Privacy & Online Settings” under “Settings” and please check your setting.
Due to your profile restriction, this feature is not available.
Features that use Happy Stars and Happy Tickets are not available with a guest profile.
You cannot start the game with a guest account.
Game cannot be started because a guest profile cannot create save data.
When you play as a guest, start the game with a different profile and join the game with menu button in the Home Screen.
When you play as a guest, start the game with a different profile and join the game with menu button in the Home Screen.
The scheduled access to the Happy Wars network save service has failed. You will now be returned to the Title Screen. Please check your network status and restart the game later.
Network connection on the console may be malfunctioning. Please check the network connection status and please restart the game.
The game session has been aborted because there are not enough players to continue after one or more left.
The game will be aborted when other players quit and a number of remaining players becomes less than the set numbers.
When you quit the game due to the situation, you will not get a penalty.
When you quit the game due to the situation, you will not get a penalty.
The game ended because there are too few players to continue.Your score earned in this match will be lost.
The game will be aborted when other players quit and a number of remaining players becomes less than the set numbers.
When you quit the game due to the situation, you will not get a penalty.
When you quit the game due to the situation, you will not get a penalty.
The host has ended the session.
The game will be aborted when other players quit and a number of remaining players becomes less than the set numbers.
When you quit the game due to the situation, you will not get a penalty.
When you quit the game due to the situation, you will not get a penalty.
The game is aborted because there are no players who become a game host.Lose game score you get in this game.
The game will be aborted when other players quit and a number of remaining players becomes less than the set numbers.
When you quit the game due to the situation, you will not get a penalty.
When you quit the game due to the situation, you will not get a penalty.