Update information cannot be displayed. Happy Wars update data could not be retrieved.
Downloading updates on the Title Screen failed. Please check the network connection status on the console and restart the game from the Title Screen.
Could not proceed to Game Home because updates for Happy Wars could not be retrieved. Do you want try checking for new updates again now?
This message is displayed when downloading updates on the Title Screen fails, and you try to proceed farther from the Top Menu.
Please select “Yes” after checking your network connection in case of the network being disconnected.
Please select “Yes” after checking your network connection in case of the network being disconnected.
The Happy Wars service is not available at this time.Please try again later.
Online services may be unavailable due to a network issue or maintenance. Please check the status on official Happy Wars Website, Facebook, or Twitter.
This service is currently unavailable because updates for Happy Wars could not be retrieved. To download updates for Happy Wars, please return to the Title Screen and start the game
Downloading updates on the Title Screen is not working properly. Please check the network connection status on the console and restart the game from the Title Screen.
The content could not be unlocked because updates for Happy Wars could not be downloaded. Please try again later by restarting the game from the Title Screen.
Downloading updates on the Title Screen is not working properly. Please check the network connection status on the console, and restart the game from the Title Screen.
You were unable to join the session because you are playing an older version of Happy Wars. To update to the latest version of the game, restart from the Title Screen later and try again.
Downloading updates on the Title Screen is not working properly. Please check the network connection status on the console, and restart the game from the Title Screen.